Today I Pass BCMSN Exam, this exam hard for me all the question need to be think and concentrate to answer the question. Because all the the answer are looks likely right so we need to choose the most right one 🙂 my goodness .

I study 7 month to prepare this exam, read material from Cisco Press Book, CBT Nuggets, for lab I have to buy real switch since NM-16ESW not support fully switching capability.

1 week before my exam this is hardest section I need to master some lab form CISCO press and answer some pretesting Q and A on each section sleep late every night to prepare this exam.

The end word like usually Thanks to GOD gave me strong and concentrate the whole path, Jerremy Ciora you great teacher to gave me good concept. The whole cisco blog in the internet.

This Exam are HARD, I mean it …

so I will keep study to this CCNP track ..